2035 the turning point towards a 100% renewable planet
The global energy transition in a latest report presented, under the name “Thinking global energy transitions: The what, if, how and when”, has indicated that 2035 will be the year that marks the turning point where traditional energies will be left out. limited by oil and gas and renewable energy sources will be used for the most part.
Studies and analysts indicate that the global energy transition will be completed when new technologies achieve a 20% market share, or represent 50% of new development or sales activity. It is undoubtedly a reference to the growing sustainability movement that is betting on objectives such as decarbonization, green investments and corporate social responsibility, while promoting sustainable technological progress.
The report makes it clear that renewables and new sustainable technologies are the two key factors driving this transition. Experts affirm that “there is no alternative to a 100% renewable energy world” as well as that “the easiest part of this trajectory will be the change to renewable energy in the electricity sector, while the most complex work will have to be done for the sectors transportation, industry and chemicals.”
But, it is true that the growth of renewable energy goes far beyond electrification, and that “By 2035, the convergence of the two will mark the beginning of the era of renewable energy” points out another of the experts in the report. In addition, it is expected that after the year 2035 the planet will see its adoption rates of renewable energy continue to increase.
Last week, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a new report on different forms of global warming. His key discovery was that unprecedented changes are needed in all aspects of society, very quickly and on a large scale. Until the year 2035, a global investment of 2.4 trillion dollars will be necessary, only between 2016 and 2035 for the transition of sectors such as industrial, energy, agricultural, residential and transportation; figure that, according to the authors, is equivalent to 2.5% of world GDP. On the other hand, global carbon emissions caused by humans will have to decrease by 45% compared to 2010 levels by 2030, in order to reach “zero emissions” in 2050.
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