Gel battery

    Gel battery

    WccSolar ofrece gel batteries of the best quality in all amp/hours. Gel batteries are within the category of solar batteries and they are very useful for isolated solar installations or outside a network connection point. They stand out for their great durability, as they do not require maintenance or emit harmful gases. In addition, they have a flotation design life of 12-15 years or more, designed for frequent cyclic discharges in extreme temperature environments.

    Showing 4 results


    • GEL solar battery 150Ah / 12v PlusEnergy TPG150

      149,00 (VAT included) Add to cart Buy rignt now
    • Solar battery GEL 200Ah / 12v PlusEnergy TPG12-200

      199,00 (VAT included) Add to cart Buy rignt now
    • GEL solar battery 250Ah / 12v PlusEnergy TPG250

      279,00 (VAT included) Add to cart Buy rignt now
    • GEL solar battery 600Ah / 6v UP-GV600-6RE

      326,70 (VAT included) Add to cart Buy rignt now

    Features of GEL battery

    La gel battery They are one of the most commonly used types of batteries in photovoltaic kits, thanks to its excellent performance and advantages compared to other types of batteries. It is characterized by being manufactured with a gelled electrolyte and they are totally sealed, so they do not release any type of liquid if the battery is knocked over. It is intended, for the most part, to medium and small-sized solar installations who need one long term battery.

    They have stable and excellent performance during frequent cyclic discharges. They are suitable for power systems. solar energy, wind power, sources of UPS backup power supply, System of communication, etc. The best option for performance and durability.

    For more information do not hesitate to contact with us

    La GEL battery belongs to the family of lead acid and its big difference from these is the state of the electrolyte, which in this case is much more gelled, as its name indicates, and is less harmful. This implies a greater vibration resistance or high temperatures, as well as a minor evaporation that in lead acid batteries conventional. These are the most efficient batteries on the market with a excellent functionality, being the most used for photovoltaic solar installations.

    Common uses of the GEL Battery

    La Gel battery has a good value for money, being a little more expensive than the conventional lead acid batteries, but compensated by their high operational guarantee y durability. It is the right option for isolated installations or uses where the role of the battery is fundamental. They are in high demand for solar installations since they do not require maintenance and there is no need to regularly check the acid levels inside.

    It is advisable to keep the Gel battery at their natural position, that is, with the terminals up, to lengthen its useful life and achieve its maximum efficiency.

    Maintenance of GEL Batteries

    La Gel battery must be kept in cool and safe places, avoiding direct exposure to the sun and extreme temperature changes. Being fully sealed, do not require maintenance, which makes them much more safe than other batteries, a highly preferred feature for facilities in motorhomes, vans, etc.

    Installation of GEL batteries

    WccSolar offers the service of installation with an expert team of installers who travel to your address, wherever you are. This service is available for both the GEL battery as for the rest of the products on our website. If you wish to receive more information, Contact us and the technical team WccSolar will advise you according to your needs.

    Configuration in the Charging Stages of GEL Batteries

    The load voltages Gel batteries are mostly found in the technical sheets, in relation to manufacturer and technology that they use. It is always advisable to check the charging voltages to ensure a correct operation. Charging with incorrect voltages can reduce the useful life. It is important to charge them at 100% and avoid overload them o over discharge them.

    What is the difference between GEL and AGM?

    The gel batteries (o gel electrolyte batteries) are another type of sealed battery lead acid used in applications similar to those AGM batteriesHowever, gel batteries have some key differences:

    • Deep discharge and charge cycles: Gel batteries can withstand these cycles, making them ideal for applications that require high efficiency y Long duration.
    • Lower self-discharge rate: They maintain the charge for longer without needing to be recharged.
    • Less prone to sulfation: This prolongs its useful life.
    • Increased levels of security throughout: They are less prone to leaks or acid spills, making them safer in sensitive environments.

    In summary, the gel batteries They stand out for providing high energy storage capacity, low self-discharge rate, And a greater resistance to sulfation y deep discharges.

    Buy Gel Batteries

    En WccSolar he can buy gel batteries at a competitive price, quality and the best international manufacturers. Our technical team will advise you on the Better option depending on your needs and your solar energy kit.

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