24V 2000W Solar Kit Hybrid Inverter with 2V CPzS Batteries

    24V 2000W Solar Kit Hybrid Inverter with 2V CPzS Batteries

    2.788,54 (VAT included)

    SKU: kiy24v2000cpzs Categories: ,


    Complete 24V 2000W Solar Kit with 24V Hybrid Inverter, 2V CPzS Solar Batteries, Structure for solar panels, solar cable with connections and protections


    • Single-phase system type: 230V AC
    • Photovoltaic Solar Power: 2050W
    • Maximum output power to home: 3000W
    • Maximum output power to home with NETWORK support: 3300W
    • AVERAGE daily annual production: 10.25WH day
    • Total Battery Accumulation: 6.00kWh

    Our photovoltaic kit 24V 2000W High performance for demanding consumption in the home. It is equipped with high-end multiplus equipment, which allows perfect control of the entire installation from a single device. This multiplus has a battery charger as an extra, which allows a significant margin of use since the battery charger will cover any excess consumption that you may have in your home.


    This solar energy kit It has been sized for the consumption of a combi refrigerator (fridge + freezer), television, dishwasher, lighting, DVD player, microwave, water pump, washing machine (hot use), laptop, etc.


    One of the advantages of 2 volt cynetic cpzs batteries is that they provide, together with opzs type batteries, the longest life that can be obtained from lead acid technology. Its tubular lead plate construction is the longest-lasting of those manufactured for deep cycle applications such as solar energy.


    The price of CPzS solar batteries is much lower than an opzs battery, both having the same number of cycles 1500 at 80% and therefore the same duration in deep cycle uses. Thanks to this lower price we can purchase a battery with more capacity compared to an opzs for the same price with the advantages that this entails, such as a lower depth of discharge and therefore a longer duration.


    This Isolated Solar kit 24v 2000w It allows us to have electricity where the electrical network does not reach or for any reason we do not want to resort to electrical companies. This home kit or solar kit for isolated installation from Wccsolar includes solar with many years of warranty. We have isolated solar kits, as well as solar kits of all types, among them are the grid connection solar kits, solar pumping kits y solar pool purification kits.


    This solar kit provides us with approximately 2000W/hour of energy making a calculation per day Average 9900W/day.


    Isolated Solar kit installation 24V 2000W

    En Wccsolar the installation of this Isolated Solar kit 24V 2000W It is recommended that it be installed by a photovoltaic professional, or that the installation instructions be strictly followed to avoid poor connections and breakdowns due to incorrect installation.


    This Solar Kit is compatible with the following structures:

    • Perforating Roof Structures They are designed to be installed in a horizontal position, with the same inclination as the existing roof. Vertical installation is also possible, forming a vertical column. Designed to withstand loads such as snow and wind, made entirely of high quality aluminum, while the screws and accessories are made of stainless steel.


    • Sheet Sandwich Roof Structures  with special anchors for sheet metal roofs. This structure is made of aluminum and maintains the same inclination of the cover or roof where it is installed. It is a universal structure that adapts to any brand of plate. Its installation is simple and does not require technical knowledge.


    • Structures Flat or little inclination Designed to be able to anchor the solar panels to the ground, whether on a flat roof on top of a building or on the ground, we have several angles of inclination to be able to adapt all the structures to the needs that arise in each case.


    Buying the 24v 2000w isolated Solar kit is fast, safe and comfortable thanks to Wccsolar, plus the Isolated Solar kit 24v 2000w It has an official Wccsolar guarantee.



    • Battery at 100% (fully charged) = 25,4 V (volts)
    • Battery at 75% = 25 V
    • Battery at 50% = 24,4 V
    • Battery at 30% = 24 V
    • Discharged battery = 23,2V
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