Common problems that occur in a Solar installation – Answers.

    Common problems that occur in a Solar installation – Answers.

    – My battery does not charge like before, my solar installation cannot cope with my consumption now, this new inverter that I bought turns off… these and many more statements used by ourselves in our solar installation that will be clarified in this post.

    If the solar installation you have started to malfunction, here we will present the possible mistakes you are making; First we must know that a solar installation must be maintained and periodically reviewed, only then will we realize that we have a problem in the system.

    Most of the cases that we run out of energy are linked to the batteries, Example:

    A new appliance that we thought consumed little.

    In summer:

    It is very common to add a small freezer to store more food. The fact that this freezer is small makes us think that its consumption will be small. But it may be an old freezer with very low energy efficiency that consumes little but 24 hours a day. Which means a considerable increase in consumption during the night.

    The use of air conditioning during the night. It is one of the worst consumption that we can apply to a solar installation since the energy consumption must come directly from the batteries when there is no solar load.

    Other consumption that normally appears in summer are: fans at night, outdoor lights...

    In short, in summer we must keep in mind that although there are more hours of sunlight, all consumption during the night will be directly from the batteries. And even if these are 100% charged until 8 p.m., if we have nighttime consumption we will force the battery to deep discharge since there is no solar energy input at night and we may even be left without electricity.

    In winter:

    Many people designed their solar system based on the hours of sunshine we have in summer, which does not happen in winter since although it can come out, it only comes out in fewer hours and there is even the possibility of having continuous days without it. .

    The most important thing is to always size your system when purchasing for your installation, also thinking about the work you will do in winter if this is the case.

    see our Solar kit for more information.

    Batteries are getting old and the capacity is getting smaller.

    This really isn't an installation problem, this is life itself. As the batteries age, the capacity they can store decreases and when before I was not left without electricity, now with the same consumption I am left without electricity several times.

    How can I tell if my batteries are getting old?

    The symptom of old batteries is that they charge too quickly and discharge too quickly. That is, they cannot “stand” any consumption.

    During sunny hours, such as solar They are producing energy, we do not have consumption problems, since what we consume comes directly from solar production. But when the sun sets a few hours later we run out of energy in the batteries.

    To give you an idea of ​​how long batteries should last if they are well designed:

    Batteries are getting old and the capacity is getting smaller.

    This really isn't an installation problem, this is life itself. As the batteries age, the capacity they can store decreases and when before I was not left without electricity, now with the same consumption I am left without electricity several times.

    I have many solar panels but few batteries.

    This may be a design flaw where very small batteries are being used for the consumption made. This is usually a common design error, where the client is assured that a consumption of Xwh/day can be made taking into account that this consumption will be during the day. In summer, since we have many solar panels, we have no problems, but in winter, when there are fewer hours of sunshine and we depend on the autonomy of the batteries to get through the night, we are left without electricity.

    Review the Table of battery percentages and levels.

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