Is named battery or electric accumulator to the device capable of storing energy in the form of chemical energy and subsequently using electrochemical procedures, produce electrical energy. In the batteries or photovoltaic batteries This cycle can be repeated a certain number of times, for example, deep cycle ones can repeat it many times.
A Solar battery is a secondary power generator, that is, it cannot operate without having been previously supplied with electricity through the so-called 'loading process'.
The operating principle of the solar photovoltaic batteries is based on the chemical process of reduction-oxidation (redox), in which one of the components is oxidizes (loses electrons) and the other is reduced (gains electrons). The parameters of a solar battery are the voltagehave corrientshave Loading capacityhave electrical capacityhave Energyhave resistancehave , performancehave charge/discharge constant as memory effect.
The batteries, among which are the battery solar energy photovoltaic, experience a chemical process that releases and generates energy so that its Use reduces battery life.